Obama Drinking Game Speech

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From National Review Online: Obama Health-Care Speech Bingo I'm sure you can think of your own cliches and predictable lines, but here's 25 to get you started. I'd note that making this into a drinking game can easily lead to alcohol poisoning. 'The time to act is now.' 'Critics of this plan would have us do nothing.' 'For too long, we have spent too much money to get too little care.'

'The current path is unsustainable. Nothing less than a complete overhaul will give Americans the care they deserve.' 'Under my plan, nothing will change for you and your doctor.'

Obama Drinking Water

'This plan will cover more people, and give better care for everyone.' 'This plan will spend less money.' 'This debate has been far too divisive, with proponents losing heart, and opponents losing fingers.'

2015 Sotu Sotu State Of The Union Drinking Game State Of The Union 2015 Politics State Of The Union Drinking Game Will Help You Get Through Obama's Speech CONVERSATIONS. Trump Speech Drinking Game: Rules For Playing While Watching The 2017 Joint Address To Congress. Trump gets interrupted by applause, a la former President Barack Obama in 2015. Trump glosses.

'The public option is the best choice, a serious solution, and absolutely necessary for real reform. (applause) Now, that's not a veto threat.' 'Yes, some say we've overestimated the savings from preventative care, perhaps exponentially. But others who I will not name say we've underestimated the savings.' 'It's unsustainable for Americans like [insert tragic anecdote here].' 'It's time to put aside silly, meaningless terms like 'socialized medicine' and 'death panels' and 'the CBO says' and 'Douglas Elmendorf.' 'People look at our national deficit ballooning, trillion after trillion, and ask, 'How can we afford this?' Radha krishna ringtone download.

I look at the same numbers and ask, 'How can we not?' 'I am tired of hearing insurance companies complain about preexisting conditions. It, like the economy and two wars, is just another problem I inherited from my predecessor.'

State of the union drinking game

'As I have said many times before..' 'Last year, I attacked my opponent for proposing a new tax on employer-based health insurance benefits. Tonight, I will reach across the aisle..' 'Now I will attempt to undermine potential future rival Mitt Romney by talking about how his plan in Massachusetts is a lot like mine..' 'I look forward to the day when no 11-year-old girl has to ask me about mean signs in the parking lot.' 'Everything about this plan tells us it will be as effective at providing care as the stimulus is at creating jobs.' 'By some estimates, wellness programs could reduce our medical costs to zero.'

'Let me be clear.' 'The American people did not send you here to squabble. They sent you here to help me create a fantastic and historic bill-signing ceremony.' 'Remember Ted Kennedy. One look at this man, and you knew he understood the importance of good health to all Americans.'

'Sometimes your tonsils are just fine.' 'As I said in March, the time to act is now.' Click to expand.Hate to point it out Carl but it isn't, if you look at mount Rushmore the faces are looking in different directions and are pretty tough to see in profile, the two are entirely different. The cartoon is simply a re-working of a common image used in communist propaganda in the USSR and China, attempting to show a continuity from Marx and Engles to Stalin, Mao and so on depending on your version. Here is a version used by Mao during the cultural revolution: It has been recycled all over the place since then so all the cartoonist has done is stuck Obama onto the end of the line in an attempt to suggest there is some sort of intellectual link between a great philosopher, several mass murderers and Obama.

Obama Drinking Game Meme

Obama drinking game speeches

Obviously this is tied into the US paranoia about communism that has unsurprisingly outlived the cold war. So in summary, no, nothing to do with mount Rushmore and everything to do with emulating Soviet and Chinese propaganda.

Stefan, the cartoon is a DIRECT aping of Mount Rushmore-even if the faces are not posed exactly the same. I know you will certainly not believe it but that is what its supposed to represent. Why else whould they have chosen just four figures when they could have easily added more to it?

I noticed that if they had not intended on this being a DIRECT reference to Mount Rushmore, then why had they not also had Ho Chi Minh, and other communist wannabes on it? Like I said Stefan, the cartoon is just a 'Jist' of what its supposed to represent. Jist means that it doesn't have to be exact. You can relax easily at night because the USA pays for the lions share of the cost for protecting your behind as well as people in Portugal and Singapore among others. Stefan, your ONLY trying to be difficult on this for some pleasureable reason. Urgh, the protection is by our Military keeping huge amounts of personnel in Europe including defensive missiles and such. As far as im aware of, we still hav ebases in Ital, England etc.